Ecosystem of any business is becoming highly dynamic. Contrary to general perception, doing business is becoming more and more complex. At lower level, task is a distributed task but as we go up in the organisational hierarchy, more co-ordination between various departments is required. Management has to take a comprehensive of the view while taking any decision. This requires lots of data of their business on real-time basis relating Production, Finance, Receivable, Payables, Human Resources, Inventories, Taxation, Supply Chain, Vendor Management, Customer Relationship Management, Inter-Department Co-ordination, Cost of Production, Wastages and Leakages, etc. ERP solution makes all these task easy and generates lots of data. These data becomes important management tool for the top management as it provides insight into the status of the business and corrective steps to be taken. All the functions of the enterprise are integrated so that all the processes become standardized and system driven.

We provide holistic solution to MSE sector in manufacturing, trade and services sectors. Our ERP Solution Company located at Ahmedabad, Gujarat (India) provides CRM services in optimal way, business ERP application, accounting software system, based on Open Source technology or Proprietary technology. We have team of I T experts supported by qualified Production Managers, Accountants, H R Managers, Marketing Managers, etc. Our SRP solution provides seamless exchange of data across the enterprise which streamlines the processes and increases the productivity of the employees. Our team works in close collaboration with your Company and first study the work flow and requirement of the company. The ERP software prepared by our team is field-tested in your Company and the feedback is received from the users. The feedback received is studied and the software is updated. During the initial phase of implementation of our ERP Solution, our expert provide on-site support for trouble shooting.